
LSI LASTEM instrument panel data display. 


Version released on December 29, 2021 upgradable from version

  • Version aligned with 3DOM 3.29.1

Version released February 23, 2017 5:15:57 PM, updated from version

  • Version aligned with 3DOM 3.16.0

Version released on 09 December 2013 11:42:36, updated compared to version

  • The management of sound alerts has been introduced to check the status when the associated data is in error or in a warning state;
  • Revised and improved the automatic reconnection mechanism that activates when XPanelViewer loses connection with XPanelCommunicator;
  • Some minor issues with the Grid and Wind Rose Controls have been fixed.

Version released on November 6, 2013 11:41:18, updated from version

  • Added a new control called Label States Indicator. This control displays a series of states, defined by a range of values, that display text or an image;
  • Changed the management of the size of the font used in the controls by introducing a scaling factor that modifies the size of the font; Once you’ve found the optimal size for a control, you can extend this setting to all controls so that the titles of all controls are the same size;
  • The background image that can be associated with a page acquires the dimensions of the page and therefore resizing the page does not alter the position of the control with respect to the background;
  • The label indicator can now be associated with a data source by displaying the received value after the label text;
  • The Table control has undergone several improvements, among these it is possible to record the minimum and maximum values ​​by selecting the reset time, it is possible to resize the width of the data columns to respect the width of the Date Time column, it is possible to modify the size of the table row font that is now related to the control title font size, you can remove the table title by aligning the table to the top edge

Version released February 16, 2012 12:34:41, updated from version

  • With this update it is also necessary to update XPanelCommunicator to version 1.1;
  • Added new control table
    Improved the management of the background image and the size of the control titles
    Improved information display in the status panel;
  • Improved synchronization mechanism with XPanelCommunicator configuration: the program automatically corrects changed data source controls due to changes in the communication program configuration

Version released October 27, 2011 10:12:31, updated from version

  • First release