

GidasTEA (Thermal Environment Application) is the LSI LASTEM program for the calculation of some of the most used and known microlimatic indices form the international standards (ISO standards).

Version released on 30/05/2024 upgradable from version

  • The PHS calculation has been updated based on the provisions of the 2023 version of the UNI ISO 7933.
  • The calculation of the radiant temperature has been updated following the formulas present in UNI ISO 7726 and UNI ISO 7243 valid for both type C (comfort) and type S (stress) environments.
  • When entering metabolic activity, the table based on activities and relating to level 1 foreseen by the 2022 version of the UNI ISO 8996 standard has also been added.
  • The function to create a library of subject parameters for use in various projects has been added. This function is useful if you use the same standard subjects in different projects because it allows you to avoid inserting the same subject in every project.

Version released on 05/04/2018 13:48:47 upgradable from version

  • Updated the calculation of the WBGT index to the 2017 release of the ISO 7243 (Ergonomics of the thermal environment – Assessment of heat stress using WBGT index).

Version released on 26/10/2017 11:50:45 upgradable from version

  • Correct the PMV-PPD chart that kept in memory and also displayed the values of the calculations already displayed.

Version released on 20/03/2017 11:46:13 upgradable from version

  • Cold environment: fixed output data visualization error under special circumstances;
  • Moderate environment: fixed data export error.

Version released on 24/10/2016 10:36:34 upgradable from version

  • Moderate environment: added the verification of the thermal environment category (PMV PPD calculation) and the graph display of the mean value of PMV PPD in the summary table of the calculation;
  • Cold environment: added display of Iclr index;
  • Hot environment WBGT: added the validation of exceedances for all subjects of the measure point.

Version released on 09/12/2015 14:09:45 upgradable from version

  • This update corrects problems on the report management introduced with the installation of the 1.6.1 update.

Version released on 26/11/2015 15:51:05 upgradable from version

  • Fixed the management of the subject parameters in the calculator of cold environments;
  • It is possible to configure the index to be displayed in summary statistics calculations;
  • It has been modified the verification of licenses for the use of the calculator: It is no longer required to download the data in the Gidas database, It is only required to install the license files;
  • Fixed error: “Unable to create document: Repeater ‘DATAHOTWBGT’ end was not found” during creation of the moderate report in english language.

Version released on 05/11/2014 15:18:50 upgradable from version

  • Improvements in the menu bar: some sligthly used buttons have been removed while it has been added a direct link to the calculation of the selected measure point;
  • Fixed the calculator of cold environments: in some cases the calculation of the indices reported an error while it was impossible to calculate the value of DREC for cold environments of rest;
  • In connection with the release of this version it has been released the version of the 3DOM program that contains the program to manage datalogger used by GidasTEA. This program has been renovated and now uses the ability to self-recognition sensor of the LSI datalogger of class R/M-Log;
  • Fixed the message for verifying the subject parameter n hot environments: the limits of the PHS calculation does not apply to the MET parameter but to the parameter METxADU (for more details see the program user guide).

Version released on 20/05/2014 16:25:24 upgradable from version

  • The calculation of the WBGT has been modified to take account of the measures taken at ankle, abdomen, and head of the subject;
  • Fixed some texts;
  • Fixed the failure to indicate in the report the date the report was created;
  • The calculation of the WBGT has been modified to introduce the verification of the limits contained in the standard UNI EN 12515 – ISO 7243

Version released on 14/04/2014 11:23:28 upgradable from version

  • Changed the Report of the PHS calculations to make a clearer indication of the exceeding limit values and of the failure to reduction the limit values during the stay in the rest environment;
  • WBGT calculation with user-defined data: the wizard of calculation shows twice the combination of available subject parameters and user-defined data resulting in a double calculation. Removed;
  • Added a warning when exporting results of a calculation to an Excel file when the destination file is already in use by Excel and thus can not be saved;
  • Inserting the subject parameters: changed the management of the direct insertion values by removing the message “Value is not correct” that sometimes made it difficult to exit the window without accepting the entered values;
  • When entering the parameters subject to cold or PHS if you change the type of environment going back in wizard the wizard no longer shows the additional screens for these two environments. Correct.

Version released on 11/07/2012 15:01:31 upgradable from version

  • It is possible to perform simulations with data entered by the user;
  • It is possible to copy or to export to file (text or Excel xml) data shown by the calculator;
  • It was separated the association between variables and measures of the calculation for the environments PHS and PHS rest in order to specify constant values conform to the different type of environment;
  • PHS calculation: </br> – in the configuration wizard you can now edit a single measure point of the list; -in the configuration wizard was solved the problem that prevented in some cases to duplicate or remove a measure point; – it was solved the problem that prevented the association between variables and measures in a measure point of PHS rest type; – the report now includes also the extended subject parameters;
  • It is possible to add a new subject at a measuring point directly without going through the wizard to edit the point of measurement;
  • Other minor changes.

Version released on 10/10/2011 11:04:31 upgradable from version

  • Fixed error which prevented the duplication of single measure point in the PHS calculation;
  • Fixed the summary tables of individual site environment measures in the report of PHS calculation;
  • Added the ability to extract environmental data outside of the extreme time reported by the instrument by reporting simply a warning;
  • Changed the selection of time limits in the calculation of individual PHS measure point, preventing the definition of the seconds: If you specify a time in seconds (eg: 15:15:25) the program failed to correctly calculate the number of minutes spent in the measure point.

Version released on 21/03/2011 11:37:37 upgradable from version

  • Added support for the calculation of cold environments (ISO 11079);
  • Changed the logic to search for the most appropriate measure to represent the variable of the calculation. Give priority to elaborated measures of type Inst as reported in the new models of configuration;
  • Requirements: this version requires the Microsoft. NET Framework 3.5 and version 3.6.2 or higher of 3DOM that contains the configuration templates updated to new calculations.

Version released on 15/11/2010 10:26:37 upgradable from version

  • Corrects the error that prevents it from attaching a report template to a type of calculation or to a tyoe of environment in the report general settings window;
  • Added support to 6.2 version of Gidas database.

Version released on 09/10/2010 11:51:03 upgradable from version

  • Added support for hot microclimate (PHS and WBGT);
  • Improved management of the preliminary settings through a new step by step guide;
  • Added selection of activities and clothing from the lists and images of ISO reference;
  • Improved selection of environmental data and setting configurations for measuring instruments.

Version released on 28/05/2010 09:40:39 upgradable from version

First release: support to moderate environment.