
Hydrology Monitoring Solutions

LSI LASTEM solutions are particularly suitable for professionals and researchers who need high quality and reliable instruments. The sensors intended for hydrological monitoring can all be integrated with complete meteorological stations to ensure monitoring of environmental conditions.

In particular, a solution has designed that integrates a meteorological station with level sensors and an alert system when thresholds are exceeded.

Pluvi-ONE is a new integrated system for rain monitoring and early warning information that performs two different tasks: produce accurate rain meas-urements (including other quantities as water level, storm distance, etc) and early warnings messages in case of alarm situations. The system is designed for measuring in remote and unattended locations and to send its results and alarms. Pluvi-ONE is a complete system including rain gauge, data controller, power system and communication part. Pluvi-ONE system has a series of unique features currently available  and represents the “state of the art” solution for rain measurements and early warning activities in hydrometric monitoring networks.



  • Sistema di monitoraggio della pioggia e del fronte temporalesco (fulmini);
  • Sensori opzionali: sensori di livello dell’acqua, temperatura e umidità dell’aria;
  • Analisi delle precipitazioni: totali e valori cumulati striscianti per generare allarmi;
  • Ampia memoria di 16 MB e memoria esterna di 4 GB;
  • Modem GPRS/3G/4G e router per comunicazioni remote;
  • Pluviometro Classe A con possibilità di avere ridondanza dei dati con due pluviometri;
  • Display locale;
  • Web server integrato per dati in real-time, informazioni diagnostiche e download in formate Excel con browser Internet.



  • Rain and Storm distance (lightning) monitoring system;

  • Optional water level, air temperature+RH% and temperarure sensors;

  • Smart rain analysis: totals and running cumulate values for alarm purpose;

  • Large memory 16 MB plus external memory 4 GB;

  • GPRS/3G/4G modem and router for remote communications;

  • Class A rain gauge with double rain gauge redundancy;

  • Local display

Integrated web server for real-time data, diagnostic information and data download to Excel files via Internet browser.


monitoraggio dell’idrologia
Idrologia-LSI LASTEM

Suitable Products

Data Loggers

Wide range of data loggers for environmental applications for fixed/portable, outdoor/indoor use

Sensors for meteorological measurements

Wide range of sensors for measuring typical quantities useful in weather-climate monitoring

Sensors for measurements in water

Range of sensors for the continuous measurement of the level, temperature and quality of water in reservoirs and rivers


Range of PC programs for the data management, data display, data reporting, data communication and special applicative solutions for environmental calculation

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