Wind polar unit
For displaying real-time wind speed and direction
Wind Polar Unit shows on digital display the instant and maximum wind speed value in knots, MPH, Km/H, m/s. Wind Polar Unit shows instant wind direction (alternately to max wind speed) and shows the wind direction on a polar display made by 36 led with the last 10 acquisitions information.
Information regarding instant wind speed and direction measurements can be replaced by the average values over a programmable time base.
For displaying real-time wind speed and direction
Polar wind display unit informs about alarm situation over wind speed and direction using led and relay contacts.
It has 0-5 Vdc (and RS485, ASCII file) output for wind speed and direction.
More units (up to 16 units) can be mounted together over a RS485 line.
Wind polar unit
- Indication on digital displays of the instantaneous and maximum wind speed (or the instantaneous direction);
- Visualization of the instant wind direction on a 36 led polar dial;
- Ability to view average values over a configurable period.
- Configurable alarms on display or through relay outputs;
- Possibilità di mettere in serie sino a 16 unità (utilizzando RS485);
- Model code: DGA311.
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For displaying real-time wind speed and direction
Polar wind display unit informs about alarm situation over wind speed and direction using led and relay contacts.
It has 0-5 Vdc (and RS485, ASCII file) output for wind speed and direction.
More units (up to 16 units) can be mounted together over a RS485 line.
Wind polar unit
- Indication on digital displays of the instantaneous and maximum wind speed (or the instantaneous direction);
- Visualization of the instant wind direction on a 36 led polar dial;
- Ability to view average values over a configurable period.
- Configurable alarms on display or through relay outputs;
- Possibilità di mettere in serie sino a 16 unità (utilizzando RS485);
- Model code: DGA311.
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- CE
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This document is not available for download, please contact our Sales Department
For displaying real-time wind speed and direction
Polar wind display unit informs about alarm situation over wind speed and direction using led and relay contacts.
It has 0-5 Vdc (and RS485, ASCII file) output for wind speed and direction.
More units (up to 16 units) can be mounted together over a RS485 line.
Wind polar unit
- Indication on digital displays of the instantaneous and maximum wind speed (or the instantaneous direction);
- Visualization of the instant wind direction on a 36 led polar dial;
- Ability to view average values over a configurable period.
- Configurable alarms on display or through relay outputs;
- Possibilità di mettere in serie sino a 16 unità (utilizzando RS485);
- Model code: DGA311.
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