- G.Re.T.A. 1
- Data Loggers 3
- Sensors 75
- Meteo sensors 35
- Temperature 4
- Air temperature and relative humidity 2
- Rainfall 1
- Wind direction and speed 6
- Solar radiation 8
- Atmospheric pressure 1
- All-in-one sensors 2
- Snow level 1
- Strorm front distance 1
- Rain presence 1
- Wetness presence 1
- Particulate concentration 1
- Soil moisture and temperature 2
- Evaporation 1
- Visibility 1
- Noise 1
- Soiling 1
- Water sensors 3
- Sensors for materials 5
- Duct sensors 3
- Asphalt status sensors 3
- Indoor sensors 26
- Meteo sensors 35
- Thermal stress meters 1
- Weather station Kit 3
- Software 14
- Converters, displays, masts and towers 10
- G.Re.T.A. 1
- Data Loggers 3
- Sensors 75
- Meteo sensors 35
- Temperature 4
- Air temperature and relative humidity 2
- Rainfall 1
- Wind direction and speed 6
- Solar radiation 8
- Atmospheric pressure 1
- All-in-one sensors 2
- Snow level 1
- Strorm front distance 1
- Rain presence 1
- Wetness presence 1
- Particulate concentration 1
- Soil moisture and temperature 2
- Evaporation 1
- Visibility 1
- Noise 1
- Soiling 1
- Water sensors 3
- Sensors for materials 5
- Duct sensors 3
- Asphalt status sensors 3
- Indoor sensors 26
- Meteo sensors 35
- Thermal stress meters 1
- Weather station Kit 3
- Software 14
- Converters, displays, masts and towers 10
- Acidity and basicity in materials 1
- Air relative humidity and temperature 1
- Air speed 1
- Air temperature and relative humidity 2
- ALIEM Module 1
- All-in-one sensors 2
- Alpha Log 1
- Asphalt status sensors 3
- Atmospheric pressure 1
- Converters, displays, masts and towers 10
- Data Loggers 3
- Data management applications 7
- Differential pressure 1
- Differential pressure 1
- Digital display 1
- Displays 3
- Duct sensors 3
- E-Log 1
- Evaporation 1
- First rain display and regulator 1
- Freezing temperature 1
- G.Re.T.A. 1
- Gas 10
- Illuminance 1
- Indoor sensors 26
- ISMMA - Weather station kit 1
- ISTSA - Heat Stress Automatic Stations 1
- KME - Professional Weather Station 1
- Lightning rods 1
- M-Log 1
- Masts and towers 4
- Meteo sensors 35
- MSB – Modbus sensor box 1
- Multiparameter sensors 2
- Noise 1
- O2, temperature, water content 3
- Particulate concentration 1
- Portable poles 1
- Radar water level sensors 1
- Rain presence 1
- Rainfall 1
- Sensors 75
- Sensors for materials 5
- Signal conditioning units 3
- Snow level 1
- Software 14
- Soil moisture and temperature 2
- Soiling 1
- Solar radiation 8
- Specialized software 7
- STB – Sensor Transducer Box 1
- Strorm front distance 1
- Submersible sensors for the water level 1
- Temperature 6
- Temperature 4
- Temperature and oxygen 1
- Temperature and Relative Humidity 3
- Temperature, state, aqueous film 1
- Temperature, state, aqueous film, salt 1
- Thermal flow 2
- Thermal stress meters 1
- Towers for meteo stations 1
- Visibility 1
- Water conductivity, temperature and level 1
- Water content 1
- Water sensors 3
- Weather masts 1
- Weather station Kit 3
- Wetness presence 1
- Wind direction and speed 6
- Wind polar unit 1