
Georesistivimeter for Permanent Monitoring

To support the management of the territory subject to breakage of earthen dams, levees or embankments, to infiltration of pollutants in the water table or to landslides risk, LSI LASTEM has designed and built in collaboration with the Polytechnic of Milan G.Re.T.A. (GeoRestivimeter for Time lapse Analysis)

This is the first georesistivimeter for the permanent monitoring of large areas of the subsoil with the ERT method.

The fixed and permanent installation (as well as autonomous from the energy point of view) of the G.Re.T.A. it allows to keep under control and to follow in time the evolution of the conductivity profile of a large portion of land functional to its characterization in terms of water content, presence of cavities, state of fracturing of rock masses, texture and lithology of clusters rocky and more generally the presence of anomalies.

The system, permanently connected to a Cloud software, is able to automatically send alarm messages when pre-established thresholds are exceeded and can also be configured remotely.



  • Off-the-shelf, easy to install monitoring solution;
  • Remote sensing, with data visualizations and configurations via Cloud software;
  • Energy autonomous system;
  • Soils’ % water content calculation along the entire monitored profile;
  • Automatic Alarm messages when thresholds are reached.

Suitable Products


Georesistivimeter fot Time Lapse Analisys for measuring the alteration over time of the soil’s resistivity profile


Range of PC programs for the data management, data display, data reporting, data communication and special applicative solutions for environmental calculation

Contact us for more information