General conditions of use of the website

    1. Terms and conditions of use

    1.1 – The website to which this document refers is owned by LSI Lastem S.r.l. (CF / PI 04407090150 – REA MI 1009921 –  share capital € 11,000.00), with registered office in via ex SP 161 Dosso, 9 – 20049 Settala Premenugo (Milan – Italy).

    1.2 – The information and services offered by the Site are accessible electronically from the address:

    1.3 – The user acknowledges that access and / or use of the Site and the services it offers are subject to full acceptance of the terms and conditions of use set out below. If he does not intend to accept, the visitor is invited not to use the Site and not to download any material from it. Additional terms and conditions other than these may apply to the provision of certain services or the sale of goods or to the use of other parts of the Site.

    1.4 – The user must be of age, as well as having the capacity to act necessary to use the Site by accepting these General Conditions and to assume any liability deriving from the use of the Site.

    1.5 – The user acknowledges and accepts that the interaction with the site implies full acceptance of these Legal Notes and Disclaimer and of any published document.

    1.6 – The user undertakes to interact with the Site (for example: browsing, filling in forms, sending e-mail messages including attachments, uploading content, using instant communication tools, sharing content, interacting with social profiles network etc.) in compliance with current legislation and the rules of use published by the respective owners.

    1.7 – With the interaction in the aforementioned cases – valid as conclusive behaviour for full and conscious acceptance – the user:

    • acknowledges that he will be held responsible for any activity – even indirectly attributable to him – illegal or otherwise prejudicial (even if only potentially) for the owner of the Site, his image or his rights or the rights of third parties;
    • undertakes to indemnify, guarantee and hold harmless the Data Controller in relation to any claim, of any nature, coming from third parties (private individuals, public authorities, etc.), connected, even indirectly, with any activity – even indirectly attributable to him – illegal or in any case prejudicial (even if only potentially) for the owner of the Site, his image or his rights or the rights of third parties;
    • acknowledges and accepts that the technical data (e.g. session logs etc.) that are held by or available to the Data Controller will be valid as valid test tools for the purposes of what was previously provided.

    If the user does not accept the provisions of the Site, he must immediately abandon the navigation / interaction with the Site. The navigation will be considered to all effects as having aware of all content and full acceptance without reservation.

    1. Intellectual and industrial property

    2.1 – All rights on the contents of the Site (by way of example, texts, images, distinctive signs, audio and video files as well as the architecture of the Site itself) is reserved to LSI Lastem S.r.l. or to the legitimate owners of the same, in accordance with the national and international legislation in force.

    2.2 – The contents of the pages of the Site cannot, either totally or in part, be copied, reproduced, transferred, uploaded, published, distributed or disseminated in any way without the prior written consent of the owner of the Site, without prejudice to the right of reproduction and communication. , within the limits established by articles 65 and following of the law of 22 April 1941, n. 633, and the possibility of storing them on your computer or printing extracts of the pages of this Site, solely for personal use. Any use of the distinctive signs used on the Site is also prohibited, in the absence of the prior written consent of the Site owner or legitimate owners.

    2.3 – Any form of link to this Site if inserted by third parties must not damage the image and activities of LSI Lastem S.r.l. “Deep linking” is prohibited, ie the use, on third party sites, of parts of the Site or in any case the direct link to the pages without going through the Site home page.

    2.4 – Any material sent to LSI Lastem S.r.l. will be considered non-confidential, not assuming the latter obligations of any kind in relation to such materials, being able to use them without limits. Those who send materials guarantee that the same is publishable, accepting and undertaking and holding harmless and indemnifying the owners of the Site from any action by third parties in relation to such material or for the violation of current legislation, for example in matters of law copyright, or in any case the protection of intellectual property, or regarding the processing of personal data.

    2.5 – Any failure to comply with these provisions, unless explicitly authorized in writing, will be prosecuted in the competent civil and criminal courts.

    1. Guarantees and responsibilities

    3.1 – LSI Lastem S.r.l. does not guarantee the continuity of access or the correct display, download or use of the elements and information contained in the pages of the Portal, which may be prevented, hindered or interrupted by factors or circumstances beyond its control.

    3.2 – The texts, information, other data published or accessible through forms on the Site, are for informational and non-contractual purposes only, unless otherwise provided or provided for in accordance with current legislation.

    3.3 – In no case LSI Lastem S.r.l. will be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused by the use of this site, by the inability or impossibility to access it, by relying on the information contained therein or by their use.

    3.4 – Information can be modified or updated without any warning. LSI Lastem S.r.l. may also improve, change or delete some sections of this site, without notice.

    3.5 – Although the services and / or contents of the Site have an indefinite duration, LSI Lastem S.r.l. reserves the right to terminate, suspend or terminate unilaterally at any time and without notice, the provision of services or the Site in general.

    3.6 – The User acknowledges that the Site manager cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for the information, content, products and services offered or provided through the Site by third persons or entities, including those with which the Site has activated a link, and for any other content, information or anything else contrary to current regulations present in the third party resource linked to the attached link Anyone who decides to visit a site linked to the Site does so at their own risk, assuming the burden of taking all necessary measures and precautions against viruses or other destructive elements.

    3.7 – The connection with other sites does not imply that LSI Lastem S.r.l. sponsors or is affiliated with the entities that perform any services described on those sites.

    3.8 – In no way LSI Lastem S.r.l. may be held responsible for damage caused to third parties due to the incorrect, pernicious and / or unauthorized use of the materials contained on the site, or for the transmission of any viruses that infect the computer equipment used by visitors to the same site.

    1. Personal data

    4.1 – With reference to the processing of data of users / customers who consult the site or who request services accessible electronically starting from the addresses specified in point 1.b above, we inform you that such data will be processed in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, with the methods described in the specific information prepared pursuant to art. 13 of the aforementioned Decree and for purposes related to the correct execution of the requested services, without prejudice to any other and broader consent given by the customer. Therefore, please refer to the Privacy and Cookie Policy as well as to any specific information published.

    1. Cookies

    5.1 – A “cookie” (ie a small data file that some Web sites, while being visited, can send to the visitor’s address) may be found somewhere on the LSI Lastem S.r.l. site, in order to trace the visitor’s paths on the site. If you prefer not to receive cookies, you can set your browser so that it warns you of the presence of a cookie and then decide whether to accept it or not. You can also automatically refuse all cookies by activating the appropriate option in your browser. Please refer to the Website Privacy and Cookie Policy for more information on this.

    1. Changes to the conditions of use of the Site

    6.1 – LSI Lastem S.r.l. reserves the right to make, unilaterally and at any time, changes to these General Conditions published online on the Site.

    6.2 – The User is required to cyclically review the General Conditions in force. In any case, LSI Lastem S.r.l. will notify any changes to the General Conditions by notifying this on the Home Page of the Site.

    6.3 – LSI Lastem S.r.l. will in any case retain the previous versions of the Terms of Use.

    1. Law and jurisdiction

    Without prejudice to the possible applicability of mandatory rules:

    • the execution and interpretation of these Terms of Use is governed by Italian law;
    • the Court of Milan, Italy, will have exclusive jurisdiction and competence for any disputes connected to these conditions. Nevertheless, LSI Lastem S.r.l. reserves the right, if it deems it necessary, to be able to take legal action before the courts of countries or cities other than Italy or Milan, to protect its interests and enforce its rights.

    The previous versions are kept at the headquarters of the Manager.

    Version published on: 30/09/2020

    Last update date: 30/09/2020