ECOMONDO 2020 – Digital edition

Ecomondo 2020

An international event with an innovative format that brings together all sectors of the circular economy on a single platform: from the recovery of materials and energy to sustainable development.

This year we participate in two events of ECOMONDO Digital Edition 2020 to present, together with the Politecnico di Milano and the University of Kerman (IRAN), G.Re.T.A. – the autonomous geo-resistivimeter for fixed installations by LSI Lastem.
The first appointment is our speech entitled: G.Re.T.A. installations for real-time monitoring of irrigation dams and canals, in the Conference “ Sustainable and resilient agricultural water supply: the role of big water infrastructures and treated wastewater reuse” describes G.Re.T.A. as a solution for monitoring the structural integrity of earthen embankments.

Since soil resistivity is a function of its physical characteristics, such as grain size, saturation and porosity, G.Re.T.A. is able to identify seepages, cavity formations and heterogeneities in the body of earthen irrigation embankments and dams, which can lead to water leaks or the collapse of the structure.

G.Re.T.A. is an innovative monitoring system, based on the well-known method of Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), which guarantees the optimal functioning of the main infrastructures for water management (dams, embankments, basins) and helps to solve the problems of water scarcity caused by climate change and the instability of the earth embankments due to structural integrity problems.

The conference is entirely online, and the contributions are accessible on the Ecomondo Digital Edition 2020 platform from 3 to 15 November. Our intervention is scheduled on 3/11 at 12:40.

The second appointment is in the poster session “Innovative and sustainable technologies for the remediation of polluted sites: recent developments in national and international applied research” where we publish our contribution entitled: The G.Re.TA system, an innovative solution for monitoring of landfills and contaminated sites, created together with Politecnico di Milano and University of Kerman (IRAN).

One of the major environmental impacts of landfills is the dispersion of leachate, which contains various chemical compositions, and which can potentially be dispersed in soil and groundwater. For this reason, constant monitoring is necessary to reduce the risk of contamination. In this context, geophysical and geoelectric surveys, prove to be a suitable tool for monitoring landfills.

G.Re.T.A. (Geoelectrical Resistivimeter for Time Lapse Analysis), the autonomous geo-resistivimeter for fixed installations by LSI Lastem, which uses the Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) technology, is an innovative solution that solves this problem.

The poster with all the details can be downloaded below (Italian only):