Tailings and Mine Waste 2023

Evento Vancouver

From November 5th to 8th, Vancouver will host the Tailings and Mine Waste 2023 conference: an international conference on geotechnical, environmental and regulatory issues related to tailings and mine waste management.

For LSI LASTEM it is the opportunity to present G.Re.T.A., the system for permanent geoelectric monitoring.

G.Re.T.A. (Geo REsistivimeter for Time-lapse Analysis) is an autonomous programmable system including a remotely controlled low-power resistivity meter with two cables that can be permanently buried in shallow trenches. Time-lapse data analysis algorithms to visualize resistivity differences for any desired measurements are available on a cloud to monitor the subsoil in real-time. An automatic control algorithm can detect whether changes have approached predefined thresholds to send alarms about anomalous changes to the customer. The efficiency of the system has been demonstrated in pilot sites for monitoring the internal conditions of river levees and through laboratory tests for shallow landslides. The system is being used in several projects regarding tailings dams monitoring.

On November 4th, Greta Tresoldi will be one of the speakers of the short course entitled “Moving Beyond TSF Monitoring Status Quo – An Introduction to Emerging and Innovative Technologies. Monitoring, instrumentation and integrated management of the TSF”. This course will provide the opportunity to explore new technologies in TSF monitoring and to participate in hands-on exercises.

To register for the event, access the following link.

For further details on the event we invite you to consult the link.